Friday, August 31, 2007

"The "Zoo""!

Cute mini turtles.
Cyril and a Komodo Dragon.
I`m Princess of the rock-I`m standing on-.
A swimming Otter.
Anna Butterfly.
Audrey Butterfly.
Pretty butterfly.

Elaphants. Siamang Monkey climbing. Komodo Dragon-again but without Cyril in the picture. Cute mini turtles-again-. Bears. Me and Anna. Trying to climb a tree with Cyril making it look so easy. Giraffe-momie Giraffe?-. Anna, me, and the boys. Lunch time.
The zoo was so fun. Next time I go there I would like to see everything. I would like it if sometime, Just me and Anna could go-with an adult,of course-,next time we go to the zoo.

My next entry

Me at the Cape Hatteras beach.
My next entry includs the "Zoo"! Me, Mama, Pippin, Cyril, Kateri, my best friend Anna, her brother Leon, Anna`s sister Seara, and Anna`s Mom all went to the zoo yesterday. I hope you will like my next entry "The Zoo". Cyril is still learning his ABCs. Today Papa got his eyes fixed so he won`t have to wear glasses or contacts any more.Look for my next entry very soon please.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pictures of Cape Hatteras,2007

Reading at breakfast time!
My cutie pie.
I`m at the beach!
On top of the world.
It was very fun but me,Cyril,Pippin,(Kateri too?)and Papa(I`m sure Papa did too)all got sick(not the whole time,or else it wouldn`t have been fun at all)and that sick part wasn`t fun at all .

"Mama can I have a blog yet,please?" is now "Mama can I go put another entry on my blog,please?

"Mama can I have a blog now,please?" is what I said before I had my blog. Now I`ll end up saying "Mama can I go put another entry on my blog,please?" every day. Most of my entrys will be short but when I have lots of things to write about the I will write longer entrys. I try to think of things that I can write to make my entrys longer, and more intresting.

Pictures that are just for fun,wait what about words too

Above, the sandplace

Above, Cyril at the sandplace. Below, Cyril going to the sandplace
I like having a blog because I like to type on the key board. I`m going to have French classes. They start on September 4th. Mom tried my homemade blackberry jam on a scone and she said it was good. I made the label for the blackberry jam. This is what it said: Audrey Patton`s Homemade Blackberry Jam.

My first entry

Me at Grangeville,ID, Fourth Of July, with my cousin Hannah.

I finally have a blog! I`ve wanted a blog for a very long time and now I have one. I will be posting more entrys soon. Mama is helping me understand how to do these things. We made real blackberry jam yesterday. Here are the ingredients: blackberrys and sugar. Here is how to make it: #1. pick blackberrys. #2. put them in a pot. #3. add sugar. #4. cook for half an hour.