Friday, September 24, 2010


This is cartoon Cyril. He isn`t finished, but I`m still workin` on it. Its really fun. I`m also workin` on cartoon Kateri. I`m guessing the hardest part to do on her will be her hair. It will be quite a challege, I belive. I can`t think of anything else to write, so I guess I`ll write another post later to make up for the short post(aka this one).

Cartoons are fun to make,
They look so funny too,
I like to make them of,
My siblings but only two.
Cartoons are fun to look at,
They make me laugh and giggle,
When they`re really funny,
They make laugh and squiggle.
They look funny when I make them of Cyril,
Or my silly Kateri cartoons,
I make them look silly I make them look weird,
I make them so they look more like baboons.

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